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Get feedback with employee surveys!

Kavita Tiwary

Are you looking to get feedback from your employees? Do you have questions about your team’s engagement, their employee experience, the support they need, and their ideas about innovation and improvement?

An employee survey might be one of the tools you need. Surveying your team on a regular basis (at least once per year) will give you the insights you need to build an engaged and productive workforce that drives business success.

Tips for success:

 Define what you hope to achieve by running the survey e.g. understand employee engagement or feedback on specific issues

Communicate the importance of completing the survey and how the feedback will be used

Allow for anonymous feedback

Thank employees for providing feedback

Share the results with all employees

Involve employees in the action planning process and communicate progress on those action plans

Take time to celebrate success and improvements

Employee surveys can be an important tool to create meaningful improvements that engage employees and contribute to your business success.

If you need support or guidance on running a survey for your organization, please contact us at

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